We are the Initiative group "Free Svydovets"
Our main objective is to preserve the environment from any activity that could damage the unique ecosystems of the Svydovets Massive and the whole Carpathian region.
We are for:
- preservation of the environment and traditional farming in the Carpathians;
- controlled and rational forestry activities;
- development of sustainable tourism (rural tourism, eco-tourism, gastronomy tourism, ethno-tourism, etc.);
- development of traditional crafts and sustainable agriculture;
- creation of new objects of the nature reserve fund and expansion of existing protected areas on Svydovets;
- preservation of biodiversity and Red Book plants and animals whose habitat is the Svydovets Massive;
- introduction of the basin management principle of the Tisza river basin.
We are against:
- Urbanization and end use change on the territory of the Svidovets Massive;
- Irrational nature use including forest resources;
Svydovets is for everyone! Free Svydovets.

Західне орнітологічне товариство